How To Lay A Concrete Base For Your Backyard Shed?

Concrete is one of the most reliable and hard-wearing materials out there. It is not only used for industrial but also commercial and residential purposes. The problem with concrete is that not many people are aware of or are a bit skeptical when it comes to handling concrete projects. Moreover, some also don’t know how to find concrete suppliers. But if you have proper guidance, you can complete your concrete project in no time. That said, if you were planning to lay a concrete shed base in your backyard, you are at the right place. We will discuss the process of laying a concrete shed base step by step so that you don’t end up wasting your entire effort.


The process of laying a concrete shed base involves measuring and marking the area where the entire thing will go. This is the first and serves as the foundation of the entire project, meaning you will have to think twice before proceeding with the steps ahead. If you have a large area, you will need to determine the size of the area you wish to take up for the shed.

But, if the backyard happens to be small, you will have a few options but make sure that you invest in that as well. It can be a bit difficult to lay a concrete shed base or decide where it will go without interrupting the regular human traffic but if you are a bit smart, you will be able to decide where it should go.

Plus, you will also need to mark out the area where the slab will go. Remember, while marking and measuring the area, you will need to go a width wider and longer than the actual shed itself. You will also have to make some space for the wooden framework.

To be on the safe side, you should add around 100 mm to the length and width of the base while adding 75 mm to all the dimensions of the timber formwork. Another important factor you need to keep in mind at this stage is that your measuring should be symmetrical and even.

You can avoid uneven angles by using wooden pegs installed at each of the corners. Then, run a string between the pegs in the opposite corners. Do the same for the other corner and see if the lengths are the same, if they aren’t, make adjustments accordingly.

Order Poured Concrete

As you will need poured concrete for the project, after measurements and calculating the amount you need, order concrete delivery Gaithersburg. If you need help to determine how much concrete or which type of concrete you need, consult an expert.

Dig Out The Base Area

Now that the area has been measured and marked, you will need to dig out the area of at least 150 mm. Make sure the concrete base is at least 75 mm thick, while the sub-base will need to have a similar depth. Also, make sure to wear safety equipment.

Digging tools can be quite dangerous and a single mistake can cause serious injuries. You also need to be careful and protect your exposed body parts. As you dig, you have to make sure any grass, plants, stones, and debris are removed.

Additionally, you will have to be a bit careful about any underground network of pipes. It might be that there is sewerage or electrical wires underneath that could be damaged while you are digging out the area. If you are not able to dig out the area on your own, you can hire someone for the task. It’s much easier and safer because you won’t be risking any injury. And, once the area has been dug, use a roller to compact the ground.

Lay A Sub-Base

The sub-base is crucial to the entire concrete shed base project because laying concrete directly on the ground won’t yield the expected results. Therefore, you need something between concrete and the ground and that is a sub-base. The purpose of the sub-base is that you cannot lay the concrete or pour it directly onto the soft ground. So, in this step, you are going to prepare and lay the sub-base.

Once the sub-base has been prepared, you will pour it and ensure it is spread thoroughly with a layer of sand on top. While you are doing that, make sure the sub-base stones do not puncture the damp-proof membrane. You might think that this step is not big of a deal and you will be done with it with a small or minimum effort.

You should know that without the sub-base, your concrete shed will simply not hold. So, considering it part of the basics, you will have to give it equal importance.

Frame The Slab Area

Now, it is time to install the frame around the corners the slab area. This is a standard method of keeping poured concrete in place as it dries. Otherwise, it will make its way to other areas and will dry out and become a headache to remove. Fortunately, constructing a frame is not that difficult.

All you need to do is grab a few tools and construct a frame that is equal to the size of the slab. Although you can use almost any type of wood, timber tends to be the most preferred choice in such cases. Simply cut them into pieces and drill together.

Next, position the frame into the base and install wooden posts into the ground and around the framework to keep it in place. Make sure you do not install the wooden posts too close to each other. It is recommended to utilize a distance of at least one-meter intervals.

Once the framework has been installed, you will need to ensure it is equal from all sides at all costs. This is a crucial step and needs to be precise and accurate. Double-check the measurements and ensure everything is perfect and on point before proceeding to the next step.

Add A Membrane

Adding a damp-proof membrane to your concrete shed base is important as it ensures the durability of your shed. Not only does it ensure that the condensation is occurring but also helps prevent the concrete from cracking while it dries. These tend to be damp-proof membranes that can easily be sourced from your nearest local store.

Make sure you opt for heavy-duty plastic sheets and lay them over the entire sub-base with the edges turned up to make it look like a tray over the formwork.

Spread Your Concrete

Finally, you are ready to pour concrete into the base. In this step, we will recommend asking someone for a helping hand as you will need to use a shovel or rake to spread it across the entire area. Once the concrete has been poured, tamp it down. This ensures that all the air bubbles have been released and you have achieved a neat and level finish.


You will need to practice patience and carefully measure the areas that will ensure the project’s success. If possible, ask a friend or a family member to offer you a helping hand, so that you have an additional pair of hands and eyes if something unexpectedly goes wrong. Plus, choose the right type of concrete when ordering ready mix concrete delivery Montgomery County.

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